Know That I Am Also At Sea, MA:AP Exhibition 2022

The following text accompanies my work in the 2022 Masters in Art & Process exhibition (24/22/2022 - 08/12/2022).

Sculpture Secrets at The Crawford Art Gallery

 Sculpture Secrets is an 8-part series written for The Crawford Art Gallery by Abbey Ellis. In this lovely series, the reader is taken behind the scenes of the Sculpture Galleries. Ellis reveals the stories and secrets which are usually only seen by curators. In episode 7, called ‘Casting a Light’, my work in the Gallery is discussed.

Peeling the Stone

In 2020, I was awarded The Valerie Gleeson Development Bursary based on my proposal for a research trip to the marble-quarrying region of Northern Italy. Like so much else in 2020, the trip was put on hold. I finally went to Italy in July/August and explored abandoned marble quarries, visited stone-carving studios and learned how to carve marble. I wrote about my experience of approaching this new material for the first time and about some contemporary artists who work in marble. That writing became the third chapter of a research paper about the relationship between artists and materials. It is included here in it’s edited form, as it appeared in the Visual Artists Ireland News Sheet in the May/June 2022 publication.

Interview with Sven Rünger

Sven Rünger is a German sculptor, artist and educator who lives between Düsseldorf, Germany and Pietrasanta in Northern Italy. After his studies at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf and his apprenticeship in the early 1990s, he went to Tuscany and discovered the region with all its possibilities for a young sculptor. He sat down with me during a break from teaching at Campo dell’ Altissimo in the Apuan Alps to tell me about his beginnings as a sculptor, his practice and to discuss some big questions.